Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do unto others

This afternoon I took my two oldest children to the public library to check out some books and movies. They always enjoy doing this and I definitely want to do something with them that they enjoy doing. I feel it is very important to spend quality time with the blessings I have been entrusted with. Even though I have failed countless times in this area; I am doing my best to make changes for the better.

As we were leaving the library, I noticed a homeless man sitting in the foyer area eating a bag of chips. I have seen him multiple times around town digging through garbage cans looking for food. Today he looked healthier than he had looked in a long time and a lot of that I feel is through a contribution from a local ministry, Shawnee Rescue Mission and the local Salvation Army, that are providing food and shelter for the homeless and needy.

Many of us pass by the homeless and needy every day and do not do anything about it. Why is this? There are many who sit on the corners of America with signs asking for help or stating they are in need of something. The travesty in this whole matter is that many of these panhandlers are taking advantage of the generosity and hospitality of others when they truly do not need help. There are many of these indviduals whom I see regularly and even have their dog with them asking for help. My first thought is that if they are in need or homeless they do not need a dog or pet to care for. I understand the need for companionship, but in all seriousness, why do I want to help someone out that is trying to care for themselves and their dog?

There have been numerous times I have offered to buy gas and food for those who appear to be in need or have approached me in the parking lot of a local store and when they realize I am not going to give them cash they are not interested and refuse my hospitality. It saddens me that there are those who will refuse hospitality; however, I have been called to share the love of Christ and cannot get upset if they refuse what I have to offer. The best thing I can do is to pray for these individuals and ask God to touch their hearts.

When my children and I passed the homeless man on our way back to the car, I let them know that the man was homeless and that we had a bag of food in our car for this exact scenario. My daughter quickly told me that she wanted to give it to him and then my son chimed in and argued with her saying he wanted to give it to him. Both of my children wanted to help the man and give him the food we had to offer. As we approached the man, my daughter handed him the sack of food and he mumbled something to us. At the same time of our donation to him, another individual had just purchased him a soft drink and was dropping it off for him.

As I walked hand in hand with my children back to the car, I praised them and told them how proud I was of them for doing something so kind. I explained to them the importance of doing nice things for people that are in need and to never be ashamed to show God's love in different ways. While driving home I asked them how did it make them feel and they said it felt good. My daughter then proceeded to inform me that as she handed the food to the man that she saw him as God and that we had just fed God. Hearing this made me smile on the inside.

In Romans Chapter 12 and verse 8 it states, "If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly." My daughter is definitely growing up and is showing the calling that God has placed upon her life and I find no accident in the name we chose for her at birth. Alexis means 'Helper of Mankind' and this definitely describes my daughter and the love she shows towards everyone.

Blessings to you!

Family Man


Linda said...

That is awesome that you had that teaching experience with your kids. I'm sure the Lord was pleased that you all helped that homeless man.

Way to go Family Man!!!!
Bravo Kids!!!!!

Praising God for your service in His name!

ljrpzack said...

I'm so glad that you grew up to be such a good and conscientious "Family Man."
LP, Spring, TX

Anonymous said...

This made my heart smile too! Hello from Iowa!

coachstretch said...

We sure miss you guys Stephanie...hope things are well with the new addition. I am sure Heath is already getting him ready in his cubs gear. :) grins.

Love you all!

Little Miss Blogger said...

Beautifully written and how awesome to teach your children real life lessons where they actually DO the Word instead of hearing it only. Hearing and doing the Word! awesome!!