Monday, February 15, 2010

Sweets, Snow and a bundle of joy

We woke up Valentines Day 2010 to the surprise of a snow storm. None of us had expected snow and hadn't watched the weather in a while, so we weren't prepared. It was quite the sight to see snow on such a special day. Unfortunately, this snow didn't last as long as the last 2 that we had. It was completely melted away by afternoon.

We had a Christmas Even Blizzard that accounted for over 6 inches of snow and major drifts. We also had a major ice and snow storm about 3 weeks ago. We had 1 1/2 inches of ice and 9 inches of snow. It has been quite the winter so far.

We decided to exchange valentine's cards and gifts for the kids and ate lots of chocolate and took lots of pictures. We had learned around 6:30 am in the morning that my brother's wife water broke and so we knew a new baby would soon be on its way. We ended up receiving a text from Sassy Smiles around 6:45pm and told us it was a boy. He was a healthy 9 lbs, 22 inches long with blonde hair, but his name has yet to be revealed.

Michele and I got the kids to bed somewhat early and we then enjoyed watching "Love Happens" to end our Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Potty Time

We have been working with Micah for the last couple of months and trying to get him potty trained. He is doing a really good job; when he wants to. It sometimes is challenging to get him into the habit of telling us he needs to go, but when he does tell us it is usually a good result. We have even been having him wear his big boy underwear and he enjoys that-aside from the times he has an accident.

Last night, Micah came up to us and said, "Mommy, poo poo" Normally that would mean he had gone in his diaper and was letting us know he had already gone. Michele took him to the bathroom and I heard her turn the vent on...a few minutes later, she walked in and said, "Micah wants to show you something." I walked into the bathroom and what to my wondering eyes should appear, 2 pieces of poop in the potty chair. WOW! I was so excited and gave him lots of praise. I was proud of my son for telling us he needed to go and then he actually pooped in the potty.

My little man is growing up and I can't believe he will be 3 later this month. I am learning to slow down and enjoy what the Lord has given me. My children will be grown and gone before I know it and I want to enjoy as much as I can with them now while they are still young. The Lord has entrusted me with these souls to impart into them and grow them into young men and women of God.

Blessings today!