Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fire behind the lines

I journeyed over to a friend's house this morning for some prayer and worship time. They meet every morning and every night. During our time this morning we specifically prayed for the Middle East. My friend began to pray and ask the Holy Sprit to come into our midst and welcome Him. No sooner did he begin to welcome the spirit of God into the room, we were immediately met with God's majestic presence. It was then quickly realized that a strong annointing to intercede was upon us and we could not yet begin to worship. We began to cry out for the Middle East and surrounding countries and that the love of God would sweep across these countries. Before I continue please understand that we pray for different things on different days and it wasn't that our nation is not important, but we were praying for a specific area in the world. While our country does need prayer, we need to prayer for the Nations.

Prior to the worship and prayer time that we had, we were having a conversation regarding the muslim nations and it was brought up that a personal friend had been invited to lead worship and minister at a Muslim school for an entire week. They are learning about other religions and they want him to come and share. One of our points of discussion are the number of conversions that are being recorded of Muslims accepting Christ. Whether we admit it or not, thousands are accepting Christ all over this world who have been raised something other than Christian or have never known any religion. This school has opened their doors to teach their students about Christianity...it then struck me...our country is so anti-Christian in our schools that we welcome and embrace new religions and our students are more than willing to become apart of these other religions. We now have the opportunity to do the same thing to them...we have the opportunity to share the love of Christ and the true Messiah with these lost people. The word of God is pentrating areas that many have written off as areas that could never be reached by God. NEVER SAY NEVER!


As we began to intercede and pray for these nations God began to speak some things to me. I began to see our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ rising up behind the enemy lines...behind the walls that keep God out. These walls almost seem like brick walls or like the walls of Jericho; virtually unable to be penetrated. As these "armies" continued to grow behind enemy lines the enemy still was unaware of the uprising about to happen. As the numbers grew on the inside of the enemies camp, the resistance continued to grow stronger and stronger on the outside. It made me think of the Greeks and how they used the trojan horse to penetrate and gain access to the city of Troy, but this time the trojan horse has come in the form of the Holy Spirit who is making provision for our "troops" to gain access behind enemy lines.

I saw a glimpse of a map that looked like the Middle East. On this map the countries that it outlined were darkened and very obvious these nations were "dark" nations. I then begin to see what seemed like little flickers of light that quickly exploded into an almost starburst like light. This light began to penetrate the darkness that was present. I then began to see what seemed like balls of fire or light raining down from the sky, only these were not missles or bombs as many of these nations experience. When these balls of fire or light hit the ground within the dark places, flashes of light exploded and crackled outwards like lightning does in the night sky during an electric storm.

I don't know all of what this means now, but I know there is a war in the heavenlies and a definite shift in the atmosphere. God is getting ready to do some major stuff and we are going to experience it in a mighty way. I feel this was confirming something within my spirit regarding the forces of darkness that surround us and constantly create resistence on the front lines and I know a time is coming very soon when the glory of our God is going to rain down and destroy the darkness that surrounds us and the armies that God has assembled behind enemy lines will take the enemy by surprise and ultimately destroy them. Darkness cannot remain where there is light and I know God's light is going to begin to shine brightly and the darkness must flee. While I do know that our nation and the nations around the world are surrounded by darkness, I do know that God is still in command and is still on His throne.

I pray that this will speak to you in some form or fashion. Be blessed.

1 comment:

TheGarden said...

Well...Hello!!!! My goodness. You can be more intense than people think. You need to allow the Lord to rise up inside of you with the gifts he has given you! Stop shrinking back and step up, man of God. Where have you been? God wants you to release what is in your heart that is not of Him and embrace what is HIM!!! just thought I would tell you that:-)