Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Children: A blessing from the Lord

I don't have a lot to say at the moment, but maybe it is because I am hungry and the kids are being loud and I can't focus on writing right now; even though I am used to distractions, I still want to spend some time writing in quiet. One of my desires with this blog is to write something inspirational and allow the Lord to speak through me. I have gone through another dry time in my writing and am ready for the Lord to pour out His annointing and let it flow out of me like rivers of living water. I know that I may be dry now, but I know that the Holy Spirit will allow me to break through this "wall" and continue to write for the Lord. Another desire/goal of mine in this blog is to blog about different scriptures I have written and give a brief synopsis of what it meant to me and what it is speaking.

Now....on to the main event. I wanted to announce and share something special that is happening in my life right now. Yep, it's official.....my wife and I are pregnant with our 3rd child. We are very excited and can't wait to see what God has in store for our family. I definitely consider children a blessing from the Lord and not a curse. Unfortunately for some...they feel like children are an inconvenience or a pain. If someone doesn't want to have kids, then they need to take the necessary steps to prevent something like that happening or just completely abstain from sex. Some people will say that they are using protection or birth control, but even people who are on birth control have babies. In fact, there are people who have tried for years and apparently cannot have children and God miraculously allows them to conceive. So if someone doesn't want children they need not partake in the extracurricular activities that so often produce these little blessings.

I choose to consider them blessings and I will never consider them as an accident. God has truly been faithful and has blessed us tremendously. I am very excited about having another child, but I am also anxious about the unknown. What do I mean? Will it be a boy or girl. How big will they be when they are born. Will I be able to get our other room ready before the baby comes. Will we be able to afford a bigger vehicle. As my wife said the other night, she was just mainly thinking about random things like, how am I going to take 3 kids to the grocery store. While there are a lot of questions out there I know that God is in control and we are in His hands.

No we don't know what the names are going to be and if you want to guess go right ahead. As history would have it, we have never revealed our baby's name until they are born....so don't think I am going to even tell you or give you clues.

Well...my dinner is ready and I am hungry and therefore I am going to wrap this up. Remember, if you have children, be thankful for them and tell them you love them. Show them your appreciation. Children grow up way too fast and once they are grown and gone it will be too late.

Until later....be blessed in the Lord.


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