Slowly I trudged down the sidewalk and up the steps to enter my haven. Tired from a long day’s work and what seemed an even longer commute home, I couldn’t unlock the door fast enough and proceed to the couch for a quiet evening without the family being home. The moment I stepped across the threshold, a chocolate-laced aroma that infiltrated the entire living space grabbed my attention. I immediately made like a bloodhound to the kitchen to investigate the enticing temptation. As I anxiously approached the kitchen, my mind filled with the desire to sinfully indulge in some chocolate chip cookies and cold milk. When I stepped around the corner expecting to find the desire of my lust, my excitement turned to dismay. There was nothing. Nada. Zilch. Not a single morsel in sight, or so I thought. Exhaling in disappointment I prepared for my retreat to the couch, when it caught my eye. A single crumb lay innocently on the tablecloth. It may not have been much, but this clue was the evidence needed for me to launch my investigation.
Oh please tell us what the outcome of your investigation was!!!
@Linda...This was a response to a blog on She lists a word and then you are to write something about that word within a minute.
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